PUBLIC SPEAKING – conferences, training and workshops
“Dr Elisabeth Carter was our keynote speaker at our Trading Standards ‘Join the Fight’ conference on 14 February 2019. The conference was well attended by many of our partner organisations and Dr Carter really helped to raise awareness of romance fraud and provided a useful insight into the profile of victims” (Suffolk Trading Standards)
“I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your time at our workshop this morning. Your contribution and slide content was simply excellent and everyone came away with a really changed perspective. [we will use this to] make our warnings and agent conversations more effective.” Senior executive, Royal Bank of Scotland Fraud Centre of Excellence (April 2020)
“Undoubtedly the work you are doing is of benefit to policing nationally.” Head of Crime Investigation Thames Valley Police.
“Dr Carter provided the sole academic input to the communications arm of an international police operation tackling romance fraud, which reached over 48 million people. She was critical in helping us achieve a successful campaign on romance fraud. Her participation ensured the objectives* of the campaign were met and the target audience were engaged.”
*Campaign objectives: a) Raise awareness of romance fraud across several key audiences. b) Provide clear and unambiguous protection advice. c) Work with partners to make the UK a hostile environment for criminals committing fraud.
“Dr Carter was influential in determining the narrative of the campaign, ensuring the language used was impactful and resonated with potential victims in the right way. The campaign received coverage in the Telegraph, Independent, Sunday Times, Sunday People; the websites for Daily Mail, Mirror, Independent, Sky News; BBC Breakfast(TV), BBC London(Radio), ITV News(TV), and Sky News(TV)”. (City of London Police 2020)
"Thames Valley Police have produced a new online booklet on how to spot Romance Fraud, thanks to some amazing partnership working by my fraud prevention officers and Dr Elisabeth Carter. I think this is ground breaking and looks specifically at the language and manipulation techniques used by offenders… this becomes a key tool in preventing people becoming victims of this awful crime which targets vulnerable members of our communities." (DI Duncan Wynn, Economic Crime Unit, Thames Valley Police)
“[the NHS Safeguarding England Guidance] has been really well received by the National Trading Standards Scams Team especially for the way it reminds us all that victims of scams are… not foolish or weak, [but victims of] very clever and sophisticated ruses used by criminals. The guidance has been shared widely within NHS safeguarding circles, Safeguarding Board managers and… well received in the financial sector. This demonstrates the impact of the work in that other bodies refer to it and use it as source material. In particular this guidance would not have been possible without Elisabeth's input and expertise.” (Professor Keith Brown, NCPQSW).
“I approached Dr Carter for assistance, given her expertise on romance fraud. Dr Carter warned about further methods that could be used to attempt to further defraud the victim, who was still reluctant to give up contact with the fraudsters. My conversation with Dr Carter helped me to convince the consumer to cease contact, helped her to recognise that being a victim of this crime was not her fault... The consumer has ceased contact with the fraudsters. This was a huge step for the consumer, who was initially very ashamed and embarrassed about what had happened.” (Suffolk Trading Standards Officer 2020).
"Move on 6-7 months £20k lighter; second Police intervention. We took [the romance fraud victim] through the romance fraud questionnaire, combined with the ‘staying safe from romance fraud booklet’ was the light bulb moment for him."
“Dr Carter was instrumental in enabling a victim of romance fraud to secure a full £40,000+ refund from TSB and preventing her from being defrauded in the future. Suffolk Trading Standards truly value the partnership we have with Dr Elisabeth Carter when it comes to fighting romance fraud.” (Suffolk Trading Standards, March 2021)
“As a ‘survivor’ of Romance Fraud it is really important to use the correct language when discussing this crime and dealing with victims. Many will say that we “fall for” romance fraud… I didn’t fall for the fraud; I fell for the man behind the fraud and then became a ‘Victim’ of romance fraud… when you realise you are a victim of this awful crime your self-esteem hits absolute rock bottom… I contemplated suicide. However, if someone had said to me, ‘you haven’t fallen for Romance Fraud, you are a victim of Romance Fraud’, this would have gone a long way to helping in my self-esteem, recovery and learning to move forward.” (Romance fraud survivor A, 2020).
“Thank you so much for describing the way in which these fraudsters use skilled techniques to manipulate and convince people that they are genuine people. It helps me in thinking that I have not been altogether a fool in believing in this man. Your words are very much appreciated.” (Romance fraud survivor B, 2020).